colorful butterflies for dramatic flair.]
appreciate every single patient who walks in our door. That’s the honest truth.
Whether here for a child prophy or an implant surgery, I love them equally. It
is, after all, their continued support year after year that keeps us
afloat and able to treat our patients with the proper equipment,
technology, and materials necessary; to hire and employ enough doctors and
staff to keep patient appointments running on schedule; to open extra offices
to better serve our metropolitan area; to market our practice and break down
barriers to entry for new patients; to hand out toothbrushes—quality ones to
boot—to every patient. You get the picture.
Are the
butterflies still flying, or should I release more?
So, that
“The crown is going to be HOW
MUCH?! I might as well just hand it to him in cash to pay for his nice car.”
[Waits a second for typing filter to flip on.]
Ahem. Um,
no. That insurance-mandated fee for said crown is actually half of my normal
office fee. It covers the chair time for my assistant and me; the operatory
equipment that we are working with; the chair with heat and massage that you’re
sitting in; and the handpiece, burs, scrubs, gloves, masks, instruments,
impression material, anesthetic, X-ray machine, computer, and TV that is
showing “Oprah.” THAT is what your crown is paying for.
Man, I
could use some more butterflies. I’m totally out.
Again, I
love all of my patients. I wouldn’t be here without them. But c’mon, really?
Dental offices nationally operate, on average, at 71 percent overhead. In our
case, with the addition of a new office a few years ago and a brand spankin’
new one this year, we battle to stay under that figure. We appropriate much of
our positive income to outfitting these offices with the “latest and greatest.” We
have chosen to maximize the patient/doctor experience, rather than pocket our
extra earnings. We do this because we truly love
what we do. We enjoy walking in every day to a clean office with happy, smiling
staff members—three of whom had the opportunity to purchase their first homes
this year. Talk about exciting!
So to my
lovely patient with the beautiful new crown, know that your crown fee covered
the full spectrum—equipment, staff, power bills, and new houses. You should be
proud to know how far reaching it was. I know I am.
Butterflies for everyone!!!
Murray III, DMD
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