I hope everyone is doing well as we wind up 2011. Time seems to be flying by and I'm actually welcoming the cool weather.
Well, I survived my first implant surgery. I thought the 3 month course was run very well, and really prepared you to surgically place an implant if it was your first time.
Now, I wont lie, I was a nervous wreck. My patient arrived the night before the surgery; we had to be at the clinic at 8am. We showed up at 6am and I paced for 2 hours. I knew I was going to crash at some point because I had been up all night worrying about it. I just didnt know when it was going to be.
The first picture below is me and my patient just before the surgery began. I had originally planned on doing just one site, but the class allowed you to place as many as you wanted to in the time alotted. I think it took longer to take the photos than it did to actually place the implant.
After it was all done, I was feeling pretty confident. That feeling lasted about 10 minutes, at which point the instructor started to speak about possible complicaitons. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. Any implant dentists out there have any suggestions or comments on how/when/why/or why not to get started?
I'm heading up to South Carolina this weekend for some much needed rest, relaxation, and music. We have had a few tragedies here in our home town, so it has been a trying couple of weeks. I will keep my blog short today so I can regroup.
I'm looking forward to hearing some implant comments. Have a great week.
Looks like you did a pretty nice job.
Well done dentistry and article! Keep it up.
Bruce Cassis
Great job! Doesn't look like these are your first two. I personally don't like the one piece implants, too many things can go wrong, at least in my hands. The only advice I can give you is to start with easy, edentoulous areas with wide ridges to start. Once you are comfortable with those, you can start placing immediates. I would recommend you stay away from the esthetic zone until you have placed and restored several so that you can see first hand some of the complications that can occur. I find I have learned more from my implant complications (and occasional failure) than I have from many successful implants!
Good luck and keep up the good work!
Ken Jandoo DMD
Well, I left a comment but I included a link so I guess it caught it as "spam." I just wanted to say way to go for accomplishing your first implant! I also mentioned that we interviewed an implant dentist over on our blog last week, and he was really informative. You might find it interesting, so I'll just link it to my name instead of including it in the comment this time, though!
Great job. I can only imagine your anxiousness! If you don't mind me asking, which implant course did you attend?
It was given by mike mccraken in association with the University of Florida
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