Now that there are over one billion Facebook user accounts, I keep a low profile on social networks. To be honest, it just is not fun anymore. Every time I post, I have to consider whether I would want my grandmother, boss, and future in-laws to see it. More noticeably, when I search for something on Google, my Facebook wall instantly becomes plastered with targeted ads for those same products. It is no longer a social network—it is now an electronic billboard.
There is a big push in dentistry to boost practice marketing via social networking. But in my “non-guru, no-experience, just your average Facebook user and potential patient” perspective, I encourage you to think carefully before engaging in a social media campaign. Social networks are supposed to be fun ways to connect with people. Make your social media presence about YOU and not what you do. As a user, I do not want to hear about your teeth whitening special!
David Coviak
1 comment:
Hi David!
Your post was very interesting and expressed the opinion of many in our field. I would like to suggest that you look at social media a bit differently. I would suggest that instead of looking at social media as an outlet only for you personally, that you consider the potential of social media's reach. As you mentioned, there are over 1 billion Facebook user accounts. Realistically, there are not 1 billion active FB users BUT, the number is compelling. If you think of social media as the new (and improved) word of mouth, and understand that by engaging with people (potential connections) as a credible brand (your business), your business visibility increases and you create brand ambassadors for your business! It does not have to be about whitening specials and it certainly does not have to be about your latest implant surgery, but it CAN be about something fun, maybe informative, maybe outside of the box that people will relate to. Remember, at the end of the day, you and I and all of our colleagues all do FABULOUS and AMAZING dentistry. I can't compete with all of the awesomeness in our field. But I CAN think outside of the proverbial box and create an online presence that is memorable and worthy of my brand.
Just a different way for you to view social media as a business owner. It's been very rewarding AND fun!!
Claudia Anderson, DDS
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