Monday, August 8, 2016

Why My AGD 2016 Experience Rocked

I finally attended my first AGD meeting, and I loved it! Please allow me to share my experience.

As soon as my 7-year-old daughter learned there would be an AGD Fellowship Review Course there, she wanted to attend.

However, she had to stay home with Mommy.

The morning of my flight, I arrived at Los Angeles International Airport to begin my journey to Boston. How did I know my trip was going to rock? I ran into a classic rock star! He was a member of Buffalo Springfield and Loggins and Messina.

Yes, Jim Messina and I checked our luggage at the same time. It was a thrill to meet him since I have enjoyed his music for decades. I had intended on only listening to the rock band Boston during my flight, but after that encounter, I had to also listen to Loggins and Messina. I can now honestly say that when I fly, I fly like a rock star.

Once I arrived in Boston, I attended the AGD meeting’s opening session. I thoroughly enjoyed the pageantry and speakers. If you attend next year’s annual session in Las Vegas, make sure not to miss the opening session!

At the conclusion of the opening session, I decided to go out and tour Boston. One of the historical sites that I was looking forward to visiting was fellow dentist Paul Revere’s house.

This was a thrill. By today’s standards, his house is small. But in the late 1700s, in order to have a two-story house with four rooms, you had to have been either a rock star or a dentist.

My Friday afternoon proved to be a lot of fun, too. I finally got to meet the Daily Grind legend himself, Dr. John Gammichia.

John was nothing but gracious to me. As an incredible added bonus, I met fellow Daily Grind bloggers Colleen DeLacy and Zeynep Barakat. I truly enjoyed my time with them.

I must say, I loved Boston. I did not care for the summer humidity (it made me sweat like crazy). But the city’s rich history more than made up for that. Hopefully, after my daughter studies the American Revolution, I will be able to return there with her.

As an example of the city’s history, I was able to have a drink where George Washington and Paul Revere shared a beer. I also had a drink at the tavern that John Adams frequented.

One of the great things about AGD’s annual meeting is that it takes place in a different city each year. With a little planning, you can earn continuing education credits and explore a new city along with your family. It may even take place in a city that you would never visit otherwise.

Luckily, next year, we’ll be going to Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. If you’ve seen the movie “The Hangover,” you know that Julius Caesar did not actually live at Caesars Palace. But trust me — it is a great place to have a meeting.

Andy Alas, DDS

1 comment:

  1. Great blog Andy! (and awesome photos) It was great meeting you and John and Colleen. Hope to see you all next year!


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