Monday, January 21, 2008

ReState of the Blog Address

Well, after two weeks of the blog I wanted to restate the mission statement of the blog.
I thought we had some real breakthroughs and some real failures.
In the breakthrough department, I think I am connecting with some people that long to be connected with. I was getting some good comments and I am encouraged by this.
But in the failure department is where I have succeeded the most. As you know I have written about the people that are close to me. I wrote about my wife, my dad, my kids and my staff.
I would say I write in a style that is honest. That kind of style is supposed to encourage other people that things are not always as rosy as people lead on to be. But it is this style and the words I have chosen that have hurt the people I love.
I apologize if I have given the impression that the above people are not the most important people in my life.
I have chosen to delete the Christmas Party blog because of the above. It was inflammatory toward my staff and it hurt them and their husbands. I never intended this to be hurtful.
I wrote about my feelings, but I could have done it in a way that would not offend.

In the future, I will still try and connect with people but I will do it in a way that is honoring to others.
I will still write about Hilda and the kids. I will still write about my office and the crazy things that happen.
I will try to make it fun and funny but not at other peoples expense.
Thanks for your patience with me.
I hope to get better at all the things I do.


  1. Forgiveness from God is easy. Forgiveness from man is hard. Ps 130:3-4 "If you, O lord, kept a record of sins, O Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness;therefore you are feared."
    Kim Shaw

  2. I think you're doing a great job - I'm really enjoying the blog!

  3. Keep your chin up- Dentistry is a tough but very rewarding life choice. I cannot think of another profession or career that I would rather be. Your honesty is refreshing. Thanks for your commitment to the AGD and organized dentistry.
    Paula S. Jones, DDS, FAGD


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